Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Psychology Assignment - 3rd

The summary of “The Geese Story”.

After I read the story about the geese, I was very impressed by the behavior of those geese. Geese that are essentially an animal, can give the lessons on teamwork, motivation and leadership. They can fill out and support each other, never protest or complain of what has been done but always think for the future. The geese gives me a lesson that rarely occur in daily.

Lesson 1: Teamwork
To starting their journey, the geese make a plan to get the goals quickly and more easily together. The geese was flying to the destination with a collaboration to make a V formation that will save the energy to fly than to flying alone. In groups, we usually focus directly to the goal without a plan in advance, so we have different views from each other and will be more difficult to get the goals.

Lesson 2: Motivation
In their journey, one of them was injured or sick, the geese had to leave the formation V. Later, his friends made a new formation for him and be with him until he could fly back and back into formation, or until he dies. Here is the motivation that I can see. The spirits that have been giving by another one can make him flying again. They made a commitment that they start together and must have finish together. We have to support each other to get they up when they are get down.

Lesson 3: Leadership
The group of this geese is also having a leader where the leader can not leading all members without the participation and support of all members. When the leader tired to fly, he would move to the end of V formation and will be replaced by its own members who are respected and trusted by the other partners to lead the line. He should be able to direct and help the ranks to reach the goals. The leader is not only one, we are all is the leader of our groups, so we have to give the best for the groups.

Life is easy and fun if we can replicate the good things that have proven results, such as a group of geese to reach their goals.

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